Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Self-Service Study

Not sure if you like reading reports, but a new report is out entitled "Hospitality Industry Self-Service Technology Study - Redefining Customer Service" (Hospitality Technology, 2006). Lots of insight into self-service inroads being made.

excerpt:"The depth and range of self-service solutions in the hospitality industry has grown over the last year. Consumers are more interested and motivated to use self-service kiosks and both hotel and restaurant operators are making significant strides in respect to rolling out solutions. While self-service solutions still have limited availability in hotels and even fewer restaurants, the number of roll outs planned will increase markedly over the next four years.

…While it may not be surprising, it is still significant that the companies driving self-service represent the largest hotel and restaurant companies and that large hotel companies are also playing an important role in driving self-service at their restaurant locations as well. These large operators are poised to play a significant role in shaping the pace and range of self-service solutions in hospitality."

You can download the report in a PDF from here.