Tip #1: Building new habits requires planning.
It happens to each of us. We participate in training; get all excited about using the new skills we learned, but then stay in our old habits. Why is that?
Here is a list of common reasons why people forget to apply the service skills that they’ve learned. Look for one or two that apply most often in your situation.
Reasons People Forget to Use New Skills
· I become distracted by administrative tasks and responsibilities.
· I can overhear my co-workers talking, which distracts me.
· I let a customer’s behavior pull me into a less than helpful frame of mind.
· I find it difficult to move on from my last customer interaction.
· I’m expected to begin all of my service interactions in the same way, so I fall into a routine.
· I get preoccupied with issues outside of work.
· I’m tired at certain times of the day.
Now, write down at least two actions you can take to overcome these obstacles and ensure you use your new service skills with each customer.